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Mentored student: Graduate* Undergraduate**
Journal articles
Larkin, D. J., M.-C. Glasenhardt, E. W. Williams, Karimi, N., R. S. Barak, E. Leavens, and A. L. Hipp. 2023. Evolutionary history shapes grassland productivity through opposing effects on complementarity and selection. Ecology, DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4129.
Barak, R. S., Karimi, N., M.-C. Glasenhardt, D. J. Larkin, E. W. Williams, and A. L. Hipp. 2023. Phylogenetically and functionally diverse species mixes beget diverse experimental prairies, whether from seeds or plugs. Restoration Ecology DOI:10.1111/rec.13737.
F. Isbell, P. Balvanera, A. S. Mori, J. He, J. M. Bullock, G. R. Regmi, E. W. Seabloom, S. Ferrier, O. E. Sala, N. R. Guerrero-Ramírez, J. Tavella, D. J. Larkin, B. Schmid, C. L. Outhwaite, P. Pramual, E. T. Borer, M. Loreau, T. C. Omotoriogun, D. O. Obura, M. Anderson, C. Portales-Reyes, K. Kirkman, P. M. Vergara, A. T. Clark, K. J. Komatsu, O. L. Petchey, S. R. Weiskopf, L. J. Williams, S. L. Collins, N. Eisenhauer, C. H. Trisos, D. Renard, A. J. Wright, P. Tripathi, J. Cowles, J. E. K. Byrnes, P. B. Reich, A. Purvis, Z. Sharip, M. I. O'Connor, C. E. Kazanski, N. M. Haddad, E. H. Soto, L. E. Dee, S. Díaz, C. R. Zirbel, M. L. Avolio, S. Wang, Z. Ma, J. Liang, H. C. Farah, J. A. Johnson, B. W. Miller, Y. Hautier, M. D. Smith, J. M. H. Knops, B. J. E. Myers, Z. V. Harmáčková, J. Cortés, M. B. J. Harfoot, A. Gonzalez, T. Newbold, J. Oehri, M. Mazón, C. Dobbs, and M. S. Palmer. 2022. Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment DOI:10.1002/fee.2536.
Weber, M. M., D. J. Larkin, and P. Mulcahy. 2022. Creating informed consumers of aquatic invasive species management programs through online education for non-professionals. Invasive Plant Science and Management DOI:10.1017/inp.2022.10
Marchetto, K. M., M. M. Linn, D. J. Larkin, and T. M. Wolf. 2022. Can co-grazing waterfowl reduce brainworm risk for goats used in invasive plant control? Ecohealth 19:135–144.
Buck, R. J., J. Fieberg, and D. J. Larkin. 2022. The use of weighted averages of Hedges’ d in meta-analysis: is it worth it? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13:1093–1105.
Glisson W. J., R. Contreras-Rangel*, W. M. Bishop, and D. J. Larkin. 2022. Laboratory evaluation of copper-based algaecides commonly used for control of the invasive alga starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) in the United States. Management of Biological Invasions 13:303–325.
Glisson W. J., R. Muthukrishnan, C. K. Wagner*, and D. J. Larkin. 2022. Invasive Nitellopsis obtusa (starry stonewort) has distinct late-season phenology compared to native and other invasive macrophytes in Minnesota, USA. Aquatic Botany 76, DOI:10.1016/j.aquabot.2021.103452.
Ernst, A. R., R. S. Barak, A. L. Hipp, A. T. Kramer, H. E. Marx, and D. J. Larkin. 2021. The invasion paradox dissolves when using phylogenetic and temporal perspectives. Journal of Ecology 10:443–456.
Karimi, N., D. J. Larkin, M.-C. Glasenhardt, R. S. Barak, E. W. Williams, and A. L. Hipp. 2021. Selection on convergent functional traits drives compositional divergence in a tallgrass prairie restoration experiment. Journal of Ecology 110:415–429.
Ksiazek-Mikenas, K., B. Chaudhary, D. J. Larkin, and K. Skogen. 2021. A habitat analog approach establishes native plant communities on green roofs. Ecosphere DOI:10.1002/ecs2.3754.
Williams, E. W., J. Zeldin, W. R. Semski, A. L. Hipp, and D. J. Larkin. 2021. Phylogenetic distance and resource availability mediate direction and strength of plant interactions in a competition experiment. Oecologia 197:459-469.
Thomas, S. M., M. R. Verhoeven*, J. R. Walsh, D. J. Larkin, and G. J. A. Hansen. 2021. Species distribution models for invasive Eurasian watermilfoil highlight the importance of data quality and limitations of discrimination accuracy metrics. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8002.
Marchetto, K. M., T. M. Wolf, and D. J. Larkin. 2021. The effectiveness of using targeted grazing for vegetation management: a meta-analysis. Restoration Ecology DOI: 10.1111/rec.13422.
Glisson W. J., and D. J. Larkin. 2021. Hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum × Myriophyllum sibiricum) exhibits traits associated with greater invasiveness than its introduced and native parental taxa. Biological Invasions 23:2417–2433.
Matson, L., G.-H. C. Ng, M. Dockry, M. Nyblade, H. J. King, M. Bellcourt, J. Bloomquist, P. Bunting, E. Chapman, D. Dalbotten, M. Davenport, K. Diver, M. Duquain*, W. Graveen, K. Hagsten, K. Hedin, S. Howard, T. Howes, J. Johnson, S. Kesner, E. Kojola, R. LaBine, D. J. Larkin, M. Montano, S. Moore, A. Myrbo, M. Northbird, M. Porter, R. Robinson, C. Santelli, R. Schmitter, R. Shimek, N. Schuldt, A. Smart, D. Strong, J. Torgeson, D. Vogt, A. Waheed. 2021. Transforming research and relationships through collaborative tribal-university partnerships on Manoomin (wild rice). Environmental Science and Policy 115:108–115.
Pinto Ledezma, J. N., F. Villalobos, P. Reich, J. Catford, D. J. Larkin, and J. Cavender-Bares. 2020. Testing Darwin’s naturalization conundrum based on taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional dimensions of vascular plants. Ecological Monographs 90:e01420.
Larkin, D. J., M. W. Beck, and P. G. Bajer. 2020. An invasive fish promotes invasive plants in Minnesota lakes. Freshwater Biology DOI:10.1111/fwb.13526.
Verhoeven, M. R.*, Glisson W. J., and D. J. Larkin. 2020. Niche models differentiate potential impacts of two aquatic invasive plant species on native macrophytes. Diversity DOI:10.3390/d12040162
Marchetto, K. M., D. J. Heuschele, D. J. Larkin, and T. M. Wolf. 2020. Goat digestion leads to low survival and viability of common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) seeds. Natural Areas Journal 40:150–154.
Winikoff, S. G., D. J. Larkin, S. L. Meier, and J. C. Finlay. 2020. Vegetation trajectories of restored agricultural wetlands following sediment removal. Restoration Ecology 28:612–622.
Glisson W. J., M. R. Verhoeven*, and D. J. Larkin. 2020. A new device for sampling submersed aquatic plants using underwater video. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 58: 76–82
Glisson W. J., M. R. Verhoeven*, C. K. Wagner*, R. Muthukrishnan, R. Contreras-Rangel*, and D. J. Larkin. 2020. Desiccation tolerance of the invasive alga starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) as an indicator of overland spread risk. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 58:7–18.
Muthukrishnan, R., and D. J. Larkin. 2020. Invasive species and biotic homogenization in Minnesota aquatic plant communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:656–667.
Verhoeven, M. R.*, D. J. Larkin, and R. M. Newman. 2020. Constraining invader dominance: Effects of repeated herbicidal management and environmental factors on curlyleaf pondweed dynamics in 50 Minnesota lakes. Freshwater Biology 65:849–862.
Kattge, J., G. Bönisch, S. Díaz, S. Lavorel, I. C. Prentice, P. Leadley, S. Tautenhahn, G. Werner, … D. J. Larkin … [many coauthors], and C. Wirth. 2020. TRY plant trait database: enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26:119–188.
Larkin, D. J., R. J. Buck, J. Fieberg, and S. M. Galatowitsch. 2019. Revisiting the benefits of active approaches for restoring damaged ecosystems. A comment on Jones HP et al. 2018 Restoration and repair of Earth’s damaged ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, DOI:
Bansal, S., S. Lishawa, S. Newman, B A. Tangen, D. Wilcox, D. Albert, M. J. Anteau, M. J. Chimney, R. L. Cressey, S. DeKeyser, K. J. Elgersma, S. A. Finkelstein, J. Freeland, R. Grosshans, P. E. Klug, D. J. Larkin, B. A. Lawrence, G. Linz, J. Marburger, G. Noe, C. Otto, N. Reo, J. Richards, C. Richardson, L. Rodgers, A. J. Schrank, D. Svedarsky, S. Travis, N. Tuchman, A. van der Valk, and L. Windham-Myers. 2019. Typha (cattail) invasion in North American wetlands: biology, regional problems, impacts, ecosystem services, and management. Wetlands 39:645–684.
Lishawa, S. C., B. A. Lawrence, D. A. Albert, D. J. Larkin, and N. C. Tuchman. 2019. Invasive species removal increases species and phylogenetic diversity of wetland plant communities. Ecology and Evolution DOI:
Escobar, L. E., D. Romero-Alvarez, D. J. Larkin, and N. B. D. Phelps. 2019. Network analysis to inform invasive species spread among lakes. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 37:1037–1041.
Williams, E. W., R. S. Barak*, M. Kramer**, A. Hipp, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. In tallgrass prairie restorations, relatedness influences fine-scale invasion while resource availability influences larger-scale invasion. Basic and Applied Ecology 33:37–48.
Pinto Ledezma, J. N., D. J. Larkin, and J. Cavender-Bares. 2018. Patterns of beta diversity of vascular plants and their correspondence with biome boundaries across North America. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:Article194.
Larkin, D. J., M. M. Weber, S. M. Galatowitsch, A. M. Gupta, and A. Rager. 2018. Flipping the classroom to train citizen scientists in invasive species detection and response. Journal of Extension 56:5TOT1.
Muthukrishnan, R., R. S Sleith, K. G. Karol, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. Prediction of starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) invasion risk in upper Midwest lakes using ecological niche models. Aquatic Botany 151:43–50.
Larkin, D. J., A. K. Monfils, A. Boissezon, R. S. Sleith, P. M. Skawinski, C. H. Welling, B. Cahill, and K. G. Karol. 2018. Biology, ecology, and management of starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa; Characeae): A Red-listed Eurasian green alga invasive in North America. Aquatic Botany 148:15–24.
Barak, R.S.*, T. Lichtenberger, A. Wellman-Houde**, A. T. Kramer, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. Cracking the case: seed traits and phylogeny predict time to germination. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4083.
Glisson, W. J., C. K. Wagner*, S. R. McComas, K. Farnum, M. R. Verhoeven*, R. Muthukrishnan, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. Response of the invasive alga starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) to control efforts in a Minnesota Lake. Lake and Reservoir Management 34:283–295.
Muthukrishnan, R., N. Hansel-Welch, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. Environmental filtering and competitive exclusion drive biodiversity-invasibility relationships in shallow lake plant communities. Journal of Ecology 55:582–590.
Tonietto, R. K.*, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. Habitat restoration benefits wild bees: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:582–590.
Romero-Alvarez, D., L. E. Escobar, S. Varela, D. J. Larkin, and N. B. D. Phelps. 2017. Forecasting distributions of an aquatic invasive species (Nitellopsis obtusa) under future climate scenarios. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180930.
Barak, R. S.*, E. W. Williams, A. L. Hipp, M. L. Bowles, G. Carr**, R. Sherman**, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. Restored tallgrass prairies have reduced phylogenetic diversity compared with remnants. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1080–1090.
Hartzog, P. E.*, M. Sladek, J. J. Kelly, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. Bottle effects alter taxonomic composition of wetland soil bacterial communities during the denitrification enzyme activity assay. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 110:87–94.
Hunt, V. M.*, J. B. Fant, L. Steger, P. E. Hartzog*, E. V. Lonsdorf, S. K. Jacobi, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. PhragNet: crowdsourcing to investigate ecology and management of invasive Phragmites australis (common reed) in North America. Wetlands Ecology and Management 25:607–618.
Vander Stelt, E.*, J. B. Fant, S. Masi, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. Assessing habitat requirements and genetic status of a rare ephemeral wetland plant species Isoëtes butleri Engelm. Aquatic Botany 138:74–81.
Tonietto*, R. K., J. S. Ascher, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. Bee communities along a prairie restoration chronosequence: similar abundance and diversity, distinct composition. Ecological Applications 27:705–717.
Fant, J. B., A. L. Price*, and D. J. Larkin. 2016. The influence of habitat disturbance on genetic structure and reproductive strategies within stands of native and non-native Phragmites australis (common reed). Diversity and Distributions 22:1301–1313.
Escobar, L. E., H. Qiao, N. B. D. Phelps, W. D. Pearse, C. K. Wagner**, and D. J. Larkin. 2016. Realized niche shift associated with the Eurasian charophyte Nitellopsis obtusa becoming invasive in North America. Scientific Reports 6:29037. DOI: 10.1038/srep29037.
Larkin, D. J., S. K. Jacobi, A. L. Hipp, and A. T. Kramer. 2016. Keeping all the PIECES: phylogenetically informed ex situ conservation of endangered species. PLoS ONE 11:e0156973.
Barak*, R. S., A. L. Hipp, J. Cavender-Bares, W. D. Pearse, S. C. Hotchkiss, J. C. Callaway, E. A. Lynch, R. Calcote, and D. J. Larkin. 2016. Taking the long view: Integrating recorded, paleoecological, and evolutionary information into ecological restoration. International Journal of Plant Sciences 177:90–102.
Luoma, S. N., R. N. Hull, B. A. Bayne, J. Iliff, D. J. Larkin, M. W. Paschke, S. L. Victor, and S. E. Ward. 2015. Opportunities and challenges of integrating ecological restoration into assessment and management of contaminated ecosystems. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 12:296–305.
Larkin, D. J., A. L. Hipp, J. Kattge, W. Prescott, R. K. Tonietto*, S. K. Jacobi, and M. L. Bowles. 2015. Phylogenetic measures of plant communities show long-term change and impacts of fire management in tallgrass prairie remnants. Journal of Applied Ecology 52:1638–1648.
Glisson, W. J.*, R. S. Brady, A. T. Paulios, S. K. Jacobi, and D. J. Larkin. 2015. Sensitivity of secretive marsh birds to vegetation condition in natural and restored wetlands in Wisconsin. Journal of Wildlife Management. 79:1101–1116.
Hipp, A. L., D. J. Larkin, R. Barak*, M. L. Bowles, M. W. Cadotte, S. K. Jacobi, E. Lonsdorf, B. C. Scharenbroch, E. Williams, and E. Weiher. 2015. Phylogeny in the service of ecological restoration. American Journal of Botany 102:647–648.
Kramer, A. T., D. J. Larkin, and J. B. Fant. 2015. Assessing potential seed transfer zones for five forb species from the Great Basin floristic region, U.S.A. Natural Areas Journal 35:174–188.
Overholt, W. A., M. P. Sowinski, D. C. Schmitz, J. Schardt, V. Hunt*, D. J. Larkin, and J. B. Fant. 2014. Early detection and rapid response to an exotic Phragmites population in Florida. Aquatics 36:5–7.
Lishawa, S. C., K. Jankowski, P. Geddes, D. J. Larkin, A. M. Monks, and N. C. Tuchman. 2014. Denitrification in a Laurentian Great Lakes coastal wetland invaded by hybrid cattail (Typha × glauca). Aquatic Sciences 76:483–495.
Larkin, D. J., J. F. Steffen, R. M. Gentile**, and C. R. Zirbel**. 2014. Ecosystem changes following restoration of a buckthorn-invaded woodland. Restoration Ecology 22:89–97.
Price, A. L.*, J. B. Fant, and D. J. Larkin. 2014. Ecology of native vs. introduced Phragmites australis (common reed) in Chicago-area wetlands. Wetlands 34:369–377
Steffen, J. F., J. Palinscar, F. M. Funk, and D. J. Larkin. 2012. Activity and diversity of Collembola (Insecta) and mites (Acari) in the litter of a degraded Midwestern oak woodland. The Great Lakes Entomologist 45:1–18.
Larkin, D. J., S. C. Lishawa, and N. C. Tuchman. 2012. Appropriation of nitrogen by the invasive cattail Typha × glauca. Aquatic Botany 100:62–66.
Larkin, D. J. 2012. Lengths and correlates of lag phases in upper-Midwest plant invasions. Biological Invasions 14:827–838.
Larkin, D. J., M. J. Freyman, S. C. Lishawa, P. Geddes, and N. C. Tuchman. 2012. Mechanisms of dominance by the invasive hybrid cattail Typha × glauca. Biological Invasions 14:65–77.
Mitchell, M. E.*, S. C. Lishawa, P. Geddes, D. J. Larkin, D. Treering, and N. C. Tuchman. 2011. Time-dependent impacts of cattail invasion in a Great Lakes coastal wetland complex. Wetlands 31:1143–1149.
Tonietto, R.*, J. Fant, J. Ascher, K. Ellis, and D Larkin. 2011. A comparison of bee communities of Chicago green roofs, parks and prairies. Landscape and Urban Planning 103:102–108.
Tuchman, N. C., D. J. Larkin, P. Geddes, R. Wildova, K. J. Jankowski, and D. E. Goldberg. 2009. Patterns of environmental change associated with Typha × glauca invasion in a Great Lakes coastal wetland. Wetlands 29:964–975.
Larkin, D. J., J. M. West, and J. B. Zedler. 2009. Created pools increase food availability for fishes in a restored salt marsh. Ecological Engineering 35:65–74.
Larkin, D. J., S. P. Madon, J. M. West, and J. B. Zedler. 2008. Topographic heterogeneity influences fish use of an experimentally restored tidal marsh. Ecological Applications 18:483–496.
Zedler, J. B., D. A. Falk, and D. J. Larkin. 2007. Upstart views of restoration icons. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 88:104–112.
Larkin, D. J., and R. S. Tjeerdema. 2000. Fate and effects of Diazinon. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 166:49–82.
Published datasets
Verhoeven, M. R.*, W. Glisson, and D. J. Larkin. 2021. Complete data and analysis for: Niche models differentiate potential impacts of two aquatic invasive plant species on native macrophytes. Data Repository for U of M.
Verhoeven, M. R.*, D. J. Larkin, and R. M. Newman. 2020. Complete data and analysis for: Constraining invader dominance: effects of repeated herbicidal management and environmental factors on curlyleaf pondweed dynamics in 50 Minnesota lakes. Data Repository for U of M.
Barak, R.S.*, T. Lichtenberger, A. Wellman-Houde*, A. T. Kramer, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. Data from: Cracking the case: seed traits and phylogeny predict time to germination in prairie restoration species. Dryad Digital Repository.
Muthukrishnan, R., N. Hansel-Welch, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. Data from: Environmental filtering and competitive exclusion drive biodiversity-invasibility relationships in shallow lake plant communities. Dryad Digital Repository.
Tonietto, R. K.*, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. Data from: Habitat restoration benefits wild bees: a meta-analysis. Dryad Digital Repository.
Barak, R. S.*, E. W. Williams, A. L. Hipp, M. L. Bowles, G. Carr**, R. Sherman**, and D. J. Larkin. 2017. Data from: Restored tallgrass prairies have reduced phylogenetic diversity compared with remnants. Dryad Digital Repository.
Larkin, D. J., A. L. Hipp, J. Kattge, W. Prescott, R. K. Tonietto*, S. K. Jacobi, and M. L. Bowles. 2015. Data from: Phylogenetic measures of plant communities show long-term change and impacts of fire management in tallgrass prairie remnants. Dryad Digital Repository.
Book chapters
Mayfield, A. E. III, S. J. Seybold, W. R. Haag, M. T. Johnson, J. C. Kilgo, D. J. Larkin, R. D. Lucardi, B. D. Moltzan, D. E. Pearson, J. D. Rothlisberger, J. D. Schardt, M. K. Schwartz, and M. K. Young. 2021. Impacts of invasive species in terrestrial and aquatic systems in the USA. In: T. M. Poland, T. Patel-Weynand, D. M. Finch, C. F. Miniat, D. C. Hayes, and V. M. Lopez, eds. Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States. Springer, Cham.
Hipp, A. L., M. C. Glasenhardt, M. L. Bowles, M. Garner, B. C. Scharenbroch, E. W. Williams, R. S. Barak*, A. Byrne, E. Grigg, M. G. Midgley, H. Wagreich, and D. J. Larkin. 2018. Effects of phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic identity in a restoration ecology experiment. In: Phylogenetic diversity: applications and challenges in biodiversity science. D. Faith, and R. Scherson, eds. Springer.
Larkin, D. J., G. Bruland, and J. B. Zedler. 2016. Heterogeneity theory and ecological restoration. Foundations of Restoration Ecology, 2nd Edition; D. A. Falk, M. A. Palmer, and J. B. Zedler, eds. Island Press: Washington, DC, pp. 271–300.
Larkin, D. J. 2016. Wetland heterogeneity. The Wetland Book: I: Structure and Function, Management and Methods. C. M. Finlayson, M. Everard, K. Irvine, R. J. McInnes, B. A. Middleton, A. A. van Dam, and N. C. Davidson, eds. Springer.
Zedler, J. B., C. L. Bonin, D. J. Larkin, and A. Varty. 2008. Salt marshes. Encyclopedia of Ecology, SE Jorgensen and BD Fath, eds. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 3132–3141.
Larkin, D. J., G. Vivian-Smith, and J. B. Zedler. 2006. Topographic heterogeneity: Theory and ecological restoration. Foundations of Restoration Ecology, D. A. Falk, M. A. Palmer, and J. B. Zedler, eds. Island Press: Washington, DC, pp. 142–164.
Book reviews
Allen, A., S. Kercher, D. Larkin, H. Morzaria-Luna, and M. Peach. 2003. Review of book by Perrow, MR, and AJ Davy, eds. 2002. Handbook of ecological restoration. Volume 1: Principles of restoration. Volume 2: Restoration in practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Ecology and Society 7:4.